Just discovered your site. Would be great if you had some info on adults that suspect they might have DLD or some sort of online test / screening.
Many thanks
admin 4 February 2022
Hi Roger, thanks for your comment. We’ve got a detailed FAQ on DLD coming soon. Hopefully, that will help but we will also take onboard your feedback and see what we can provide.
Carolyn 2 November 2023
I support children with DLD – It would be great to have a list of famous people diagnosed with DLD that I could share with them.
Just discovered your site. Would be great if you had some info on adults that suspect they might have DLD or some sort of online test / screening.
Many thanks
Hi Roger, thanks for your comment. We’ve got a detailed FAQ on DLD coming soon. Hopefully, that will help but we will also take onboard your feedback and see what we can provide.
I support children with DLD – It would be great to have a list of famous people diagnosed with DLD that I could share with them.